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Utilizing Video In The Classroom

When it comes to cyber security, I have found that many of the concepts can be a little difficult to understand for high school students. Multiple passes of the content have really helped re-enforce and improve the learning experience in the classroom. I have found that utilizing video has really helped by appealing to as many intelligences and learning styles as possible. I have found that video appeals to my visual - spatial learners as well as my verbal-linguistic learners due to the nature of video instruction. Last year I started flipping my classroom in which my students could watch the videos of my lectures and then in class we could do more hands-on activities to appeal to my learners that learned better in this way. I noticed that students enjoyed being able to watch the lectures to learn the content and then re-watch content that they didn't understand. As I look to design my courses for next year, my goal is to incorporate even more video. Below is a video that I made fo
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Appealing to Spatial and/or Naturalist Intelligences

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Researching Multiple Intelligence Theory

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